Publication Workspace

The Publish workspace is comprised of the page canvas, Content panel, Preview panel, and Publish Ribbons.

Right click on a data discovery to:

Content Panel

From the Content panel, navigate through the folder tree to find the required content items, and then drag them onto the canvas.

Add Pages

Publication pages can be added from both the ribbons and from the Preview panel.

From either the Publication or Page ribbon, click New to add a new page to the end of the sequence of pages. You can rearrange the page order by dragging and dropping slides in the required order in the Preview panel.

To add a page directly from the Preview panel, right click on a page to:

  • Add a new page (the new page is added immediately after the currently selected page, meaning you can insert a new page anywhere in the page sequence).
  • Duplicate the selected page
  • Copy the page
  • Paste a copied page
  • Delete the page

Right click on the Preview panel background to add or paste a page.

Copy and Paste Pages

Right click on a page to copy it. The copied slide may then be pasted in the same publication, or in another publication.

Metadata Panel

An information icon appears in the top left corner of each content item added to a publication; hover over the icon to see the item's metadata panel.

The information panel of a data discovery displays:

Measures: displays the measures in the query.

Filters: any filters added to the query.

Statistics: displays the number of columns, rows, and cells in the query.

Metadata: displays the server name, database name, model name, and model description.

Report Metadata: the location of the content item in the CMS, the date the item was created, and the user who create it.

Dynamic assets will also display an information panel: